Orlando Weapon Charge Attorney
Have you been charged with a weapon violation in Orlando, Florida?
Weapons charges can lead to serious legal consequences in Florida. Such charges can be based on carrying a concealed weapon, failing to register a gun or firearm, possessing illegal weapons, and other weapons-related offenses. If you are facing a criminal charge of this kind in the greater Orlando area, we strongly urge you to get the professional legal help you need from our Orlando criminal defense attorney. At the Law Office of Adam Pollack, you will find dedicated and skilled legal representation from an attorney and legal staff that will work hard to protect your rights and advance your interests, whether in the courtroom or at the negotiation table with prosecutors and judges. We have defended thousands of clients in the area in all kinds of criminal cases, including those involving guns and weapons.
Self Defense Claims
If you have the legal right to carry a firearm, you can still be charged with felony crimes relating to guns and other weapons. Many clients have been charged with felonious assault for pointing their weapons at individuals or groups that they may have reasonably believed meant to do them harm. Most defendants have a self-defense claim, but it needs to be handled by a skilled criminal defense attorney.
Weapons Charges and Consequences
One of the most common weapon charges is illegally carrying a concealed weapon. This can involve any type of deadly weapon carried on your person in such a way as to be hidden from sight. A concealed firearm may be any type of gun, other than an antique gun that is not used for weaponry. Carrying a concealed weapon is charged as a first-degree misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in jail and a fine of up to $1,000. Carrying a concealed firearm that is unlicensed may result in a third-degree felony charge, punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000.
Those who are prohibited from possessing weapons in Florida include convicted felons, those subject to a domestic violence restraining order or who are facing domestic violence charges, minors under the age of 16, and those who are drug addicts, vagrants, or mentally incompetent. Illegal possession of weapons under these circumstances may result in misdemeanor or felony charges, depending on the circumstances.
If you are facing a weapons charge, you can get a case evaluation about what you are up against and what can be done to defend you from our firm. Our Orlando weapon charge lawyer can answer your questions and advise you on the best course of action to help you avoid possible harsh legal consequences.
Contact the Orlando weapon charge attorney at the firm if you have been accused of Florida weapon violations today.