The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has impacted every part of our society and the legal system is no exception. Times of fear challenge our common held beliefs of what liberty and freedom mean for a country that is collectively scared.
How far can government go in restricting our freedom? How far can we let people’s fears create situations that impact our fundamental civil rights and freedoms that so many have struggled to obtain for all Americans throughout our 200 plus years as a country?
I do not have the answers to these questions. I do know that we are a country of laws and that the phrase “Kill all of the lawyers” comes from the fear of the government that without lawyers to protect the people from the power of the government there would be intolerable tyranny.
The government tells everyone that we should all practice social distancing. This means that we should not be with other people nearer than six feet. I have visited many jails and prisons. I can assure you that social distancing is not being practiced in these settings.
As an experienced criminal defense attorney, there may be ways that I can help obtain your freedom or the freedom of someone you know. I am available to discuss your case via telephone or email. My telephone number is 407-834-5297. My email is adam.pollack@orl-law.com.
Dedicated to your civil rights, I stand ready to aggressively defend you, or someone you know, from the power of the government. In this time of fear, it is too easy for the government to use this as an excuse to not honor your constitutional rights to a fair and speedy trial.
I am here to assist you keep your freedom and to provide invaluable legal assistance in obtaining your freedom. If you, or a loved one, finds yourself involved in a criminal matter, you owe it to yourself to have an expert attorney with over 20 years of legal experience in criminal law represent you.
When winning is the only option, you cannot afford to ignore any of your legal rights.